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Why Academia for Device
Management Solutions

We’ve modernised device management

With countless of options available today for managing devices in your institution or business, it’s a tough decision as to what to choose. For IT, it’s a huge amount of research, training and ultimately time and work. Thankfully, Academia have done all the hard work for you.

If you operate an Employee Choice programme within your business, we can provide procurement portals and deliver device lifecycle solutions to ensure your users receive the best onboarding experience.

Find out more

Apple devices

We have created a range of device management solutions, whether you need a bit of help, a lot of help or no help at all. We hold the highest accreditations with Jamf (Jamf Gold Partner, Jamf Integrator, Jamf MSP), so we are in the best possible place to get Jamf hooked up and running.

Done BY you

You manage your devices

We will procure your Jamf licences

Set you up with our Quickstart Training Session


Done WITH you

You manage your devices and we’ll provide some Jamf support for your IT Team

We will procure your Jamf licences

Set you up with our Quickstart Training Session

IT Team escalation Support

Done FOR you

We manage all of your devices for you with our fully-managed service

Jamf Software Platform

Jamf Platform Management & Support

ASM / ABM Support

Unlimited Helpdesk – Proactive Support

Patch Management & Version Control

Application Packaging & Deployment

Enrolment, Custom Configuration & Profile Management

Identity & Access Management Integration

Custom System integrations and Preference Lists

Quarterly Service Reviews

Microsoft devices

Academia has expertise in providing best in class on/offboarding user experiences powered by Microsoft Intune device management
within a centralised cloud console.

Done WITH you

You manage your devices and we’ll provide some Intune support for your IT Team

Set you up with our Quickstart Training Session

IT Team escalation Support

Done FOR you

We manage all of your devices with our fully-managed service ensuring the Intune platform is:

Fully optimised


Maintained to enable maximum productivity for your users

Integrated Apple and Windows Estates

If you have mix of Apple and Windows devices and would like a cohesive device management solution, we can do this for you.

Get in touch
Device Lifecyle solutions

From procurement through to recycle and refresh, we manage the entire journey, providing a secure, cost effective and hassle-free on/off-boarding experience.

Supercharge your support

Experience the ease of managing and
supporting your Apple estate effortlessly
and cost-effectively.

How can we help with your
device management solution?

Fill out this form with your details and we’ll get back to you in no time!