How to allocate budget to Cyber technology and awareness

How to allocate budget to Cyber technology and awareness
25 Sep 2023


In today’s interconnected digital world, safeguarding against cyber threats is paramount. Cyberattacks continue to rise in frequency and sophistication, making it imperative for organisations to develop a robust cyber strategy. This strategy should encompass both advanced technology solutions and a culture of cybersecurity awareness.

1. Understanding the threat landscape

Current cyber threats

Cyber threats come in various forms, from malware infections to targeted phishing campaigns. For instance, the rise of ransomware attacks, such as the infamous WannaCry incident in 2017, demonstrates the potential for widespread disruption and financial loss.

Evolving threat landscape

As technology advances, so do the tactics of cybercriminals. With the proliferation of IoT devices and the increasing sophistication of artificial intelligence, attackers have new avenues for exploitation. Organisations must stay ahead by adopting adaptive cybersecurity strategies.

2. The dual approach: technology and awareness

Investing in cutting-edge technology

a) Firewall and intrusion detection/prevention systems

Firewalls act as a critical barrier between a network and potential threats, while Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDS/IPS) provide real-time monitoring and response capabilities. Next-generation firewalls, utilising deep packet inspection and threat intelligence feeds, offer heightened security against evolving threats.

b) Endpoint security solutions

Endpoint security tools protect individual devices from malware, unauthorised access, and other cyber risks. Advanced solutions incorporate behaviour-based analysis and sandboxing techniques to detect and prevent threats.

c) Encryption and data protection

Encryption ensures that sensitive information remains secure, even if intercepted. Emerging technologies like homomorphic encryption and quantum-resistant algorithms are on the horizon, promising even greater levels of protection.

Promoting cybersecurity awareness

a) Employee training and education

Employees are often the first line of defence against cyber threats. Regular training sessions on recognising phishing emails, secure password practices, and safe browsing habits are essential. Real-world simulations of attacks can help reinforce these lessons.

b) Creating a culture of security

Fostering a culture of security instills a sense of responsibility for cybersecurity across an establishment. This involves leadership setting an example, open communication channels for reporting incidents, and recognising and rewarding security-conscious behaviour.

4. Budget allocation strategies

a) Prioritising Technology Investments

To allocate budget effectively, you should conduct a thorough risk assessment. Factors to consider include the industry’s specific threats (e.g., healthcare facing patient data breaches), compliance requirements (e.g., GDPR for handling EU citizen data), and the potential financial impact of a breach.

b) Allocating resources for awareness initiatives

Investments in awareness programs yield long-term benefits by reducing the likelihood of successful attacks. Allocating resources for ongoing training, workshops, and periodic security reminders is essential.

5. Measuring ROI and Effectiveness

a) Technology ROI metrics

Metrics such as incident reduction rates, time to detection and cost savings from prevented breaches are critical indicators of technology effectiveness. For example, a 30% reduction in incident frequency after implementing advanced firewalls indicates a substantial ROI.

b) Awareness Programme effectiveness

Click-through rates on simulated phishing exercises, improvement in employees’ quiz scores after training, and a decrease in reported security incidents can gauge the impact of awareness initiatives. A 20% reduction in successful phishing attempts showcases the effectiveness of a robust training program.


A balanced approach to cyber strategy, combining advanced technology investments with a culture of awareness, is the key to a resilient cybersecurity posture. As the threat landscape continues to evolve, organisations that adapt and prioritise cybersecurity will stand the best chance of safeguarding their valuable digital assets.

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