Left to Your Own Devices: The Power of Managed Devices

25 Mar 2024

For the last few years, the shift towards flexible and hybrid working has become more prevalent than ever. As employees navigate the challenges of a digital-first era, the concept of being “left to your own devices” has taken on new meaning. This phrase now encapsulates the empowerment and efficiency that come with managed devices, transforming the way we work and interact with technology.


Devices have become integral to the success of businesses, providing employees with a dynamic and secure platform for productivity. From laptops and tablets to smartphones, the modern workforce relies on a diverse array of devices.


Now in 2024, employees usually have at least one work device, either a desktop or laptop and may also use one of their own personal devices to respond to emails, join meetings and download files whilst away from the office. However, this leaves IT teams with an enormous task in order to keep data safe and cyber threats away. This blog explores the power of device management in a modern workplace.


Key benefits of Managed Devices:




  • Streamlining device provisioning, configuration and updates from a single point
  • Ensuring consistency in device settings and configurations for a seamless user experience


Zero Trust 


  • Implementing robust security measures to safeguard against cyber threats
  • Enforcing compliance with company policies and regulatory standards


Zero downtime 


  • Remote troubleshooting and support to minimise downtime
  • Enhancing IT administrators’ ability to manage devices regardless of geographical location


Application and Software Management:


  • Simplifying the deployment and updating of software and applications
  • Ensuring that all devices have access to the latest tools and features


User Empowerment:


  • Customising device settings to align with individual user preferences
  • Providing employees with the flexibility to personalise their work environment


Enhanced Security Protocols:


  • Protection against data breaches and cyber threats through proactive security measures
  • Encryption, authentication and regular security updates contribute to a secure computing environment


Improved Productivity:


  • Seamless integration of devices into the workflow, reducing friction and boosting efficiency
  • Quick access to necessary applications and resources, allowing employees to focus on their tasks


Cost-Effective IT Management:


  • Centralised control over devices reduces the burden on IT teams
  • Efficient resource allocation and streamlined troubleshooting lead to cost savings


Adaptability to Remote Work:


  • Support for a geographically dispersed workforce with remote management capabilities
  • Reliable and secure access to company resources from any location





Being “left to your own devices” in the contemporary workplace is no longer a challenge; it’s an opportunity. Managed devices empower employees to work efficiently and securely in a world where flexibility is paramount. As businesses continue to embrace the benefits of a connected workforce, investing in robust managed device solutions becomes essential for driving innovation, ensuring security and fostering a dynamic and productive work environment.



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